using software
SEIS will contact all suppliers of hazardous products that are in the current system and request an SDS in the new GHS format explained below. If the supplier does not have or provide the SDS at the current time SEIS will note the request and implement a follow up process. An MSDS (SDS) index will be created in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that will contain hyperlinks to the vendors SDS in PDF files. SEIS will create a cloud-based system that will display the Excel index that will be hyperlinked to the PDF of the SDS by SDS #. The cost is per each SDS that is updated or added to the system each year.
On March 26, 2012, the Federal Register published the final rule on Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (known as GHS). The effective date of the rule was 60 days after publication or May 25, 2012.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS, no longer called MSDS): The current Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) indicates what information has to be included on an SDS but does not specify a format for presentation or order of information. The revised HCS requires that the information on the SDS is presented using consistent headings in a specified sequence. The SDS format is the same as the ANSI standard format which is widely used in the U.S. and is already familiar to many employees. The specified 16-section format is to include the following sections:
1. Identification Section 9. Physical and chemical properties Section
2. Hazard(s) identification Section 10. Stability and reactivity Section
3. Composition/information on ingredients Section 11. Toxicological information Section
4. First-Aid measures Section 12. Ecological information Section
5. Fire-fighting measures Section 13. Disposal considerations Section
6. Accidental release measures Section 14. Transport information Section
7. Handling and storage Section 15. Regulatory information Section
8. Exposure controls/personal protection 16. Other information, including date of
preparation or last revision
The table below summarizes the phase-in dates required under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)
Effective Completion Date Requirement(s) Who
December 1, 2013 Train employees on the new Employers
label elements and safety data
sheet (SDS) format.
June 1, 2015 Compliance with all modified Chemical manufacturers
provisions of this final rule, except: importers, distributors
and employers
June 1, 2016 Update alternative workplace labeling Employers
and hazard communication program
as necessary, and provide additional,
employee training for newly identified
physical or health hazards.
December 1, 2018 The Distributor shall not ship
containers labeled by the chemical
manufacturer or importer unless it is
a GHS label.
Transition Period to the May comply with either 29 CFR Chemical manufacturers,
effective completion dates 1910.1200 (the final standard), importers, distributors
noted above or the current standard, or both. and employers